Who Are You


You are not who you are told you are.

Media tells you you are your body.

Governments tell you you are a patriot. 

Religions tell you you are sinful.

Only when you quit listening to what you are told you are, 

Can you discover who you are.

mr mel

13 thoughts on “Who Are You

  1. So deep Mr.Mel…it is wrong programming…we need to think more about that..thanks for the reminder..have a great day πŸŒΉπŸ’•πŸ‘πŸ˜Š


      1. Thank you. Glad to hear the article resonates with you πŸ˜€πŸ™. The Ancients had a lot of wisdom most of it have been forgotten. I made it my Quest to bring it back to the surface and share it with whoever wants to listen. This is the whole premise of my book πŸ“–’This Is Your Quest “. Feel free to check it out! Would love to get some feedback from you on the book…


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