39 thoughts on “Living

    1. Being to busy, is like have one shoe nailed to the ground and only being able to go in circles. Being To lazy, is not removing the nail. If either of these fit you remove the nail. Thank you for visiting.😉


    2. Being to busy, is like have one shoe nailed to the ground and only being able to go in circles. Being To lazy, is not removing the nail. Do these fit youThank you for the comment.


  1. I tried to read deeper and figuring out whether it is ‘to’ or ‘too’….and if there is more hidden meaning to it!! 😁….finally i settled for ‘too’ unless im wrong 🙈… exercise for the brain…your awesome quotes!!! 😁😁

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  2. One of my favorites so far, the end is just superb. Made me think of a similar thought…. If you are sitting, watching life go by, is this a waste or a desirable zen state of mind? Conundrum, no?

    Liked by 1 person

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